News comes mainly from newspapers, TV or blogs. But even the newspapers and TV companies publish their content online these days, generally with comment facilities for the public to make their opinions known. This turns out much as you'd expect.
News published from 14th April 2020 to May 13th 2020
(From Rural News [Ukranian: Silski Visti], 13th May 2020)
One month ago today, Kyiv became the first victim of a nuclear attack since the Second World War. The death toll so far is over 1,000,000; our hospitals cannot cope with the number of radiation sickness patients; our country's heart has been cut out. We still have no idea who was to blame; whether the European Federation, Russia or some terrorist faction.
What we do know is that a device of approximately ten kilotons exploded at just past 11.30pm on 13th April 2020 in the Maidan Nezalezhnosti [Independence Square], in the very heart of Kyiv. At least 350,000 people died in the initial explosion; we cannot be sure how many. Europe and Russia responded within an hour, both powers taking the bombing as an attack and quick to make threats and demand retribution. Evacuation started of the districts to the north-east of the city, where radioactive dust and debris drifted on the wind. Local and international aid arrived the next day, with refugee camps formed in the countryside some distance from the capital. But by this time, the death toll had risen to at least 450,000.
Over the next few days the radioactive dust cloud spread out to cover over a thousand square kilometres to the north-east of the city. Large areas of farmland are now unusable, and scientists are still trying to determine the extent of the contamination. The refugees from Kyiv are still mostly in camps around the city, being treated for radiation exposure. Over the next few days the displaced population of Kyiv will need to find somewhere to go.
International tensions are high; The European Federation and Russia have at least not gone to war, although some in both governments have been pushing for it. Fortunately cooler heads have prevailed, with help from the leaders of America and the other nations of the world. The most popular story so far is that terrorists planted the bomb to try to provoke war between Europe and Russia, but if that is true where did they obtain a nuclear device from? Britain has implemented zealous new security measures against assault by sea. What do they know that they are not saying?
To the politicians, the Ukraine is merely another pawn. The European Federation claim that they have been attacked. Russia declaims the destruction of what was once a Russian city. America and Britain use us to show how kind and noble-hearted they are, and how good at making peace. After only a month we are being overlooked by the great World Powers. When our world leaders wield so much power, even such events as these can seem but moves in a giant chess game.
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I am what I am.
Right. This is serious, but let's not do anything stupid. I can sense the tabloids gearing up to blame Russia/the EF/illegal immigrants/Aprilists/The Men In Black/communists/aliens. We don't know a thing. Not yet.
What we do know: - This was a pretty small nuke, potentially small enough to be a suitcase device. - Ever since the collapse of Soviet communism, there has been a lot of fissile material unaccounted for. - Kiev is a pretty important technical, scientific and economic centre. - If either Russia or the EF wanted a war, this was a bloody silly way of starting one. It's not a terribly effective first strike, and it wipes out a major asset. If some bugger wanted to start a war between Russia and the EF, this would be a convenient way to do it. The question is, who's going to benefit from having Russia and the EF at each other's throats?