

Classified runs in the Morley-Fletcher room of Worcester College (located on Worcester Street - Google Map walking directions from Carfax are here

When entering Worcester College for the first few sessions, please pause at the Lodge to sign yourself in.


Directions: After you have passed through the Lodge and entered college you need to go left and down some steps. Immediately in front of you is a long passage way (it has a 12 above it) through which you need to pass and then follow the path to the left of the lawn. There is a path going off to the right, signposted on the tree as 'Linbury' - this is NOT where you want to go. Instead, continue down the path and through an archway in the building on your right - carry on straight until you hit the laundry on your right and the Morley-Fletcher on your left.

location.txt · Last modified: 2009/10/13 09:40 by gareth
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